The Layoff Calculator calculates how likely you are to be laid off using data-driven insights.
A personal website showcasing my projects and hobbies! And yes, this is a screenshot of my website on my website.
The AlgoTrading program is a personal project that I developed over the past few months. It is able to scan thousands of option contracts live on the market and notify me of trades that are highly likely to be profitable.
HelpingHand aims to combat substance abuse by utilizing a FitBit to detect when drug abusers experience withdrawal symptoms throughout their rehabilitation process. HelpingHand emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement, peer support, and community in helping those struggling to quit, actually quit.
Finalist at MIT’s 2018 Policy Hackathon for data analysis of seven high-profile cybersecurity attacks and breaches.
Here are some of my technical abilities -- I strive to grow my skillset each day.
My hobbies include volunteering, traveling, and spending time outdoors! I am also a big fan of coffee.
As an Eagle Scout, I value being able to give back to my community whenever possible.
I learned to ski at a young age!
I solo-traveled to Zion National Park and the picture here is right before I hiked to the top of Angel's Landing.